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Top 13 Paid API Security Tools: Your Guide to Keeping APIs Secure

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  • Post last modified:22 September 2023
  • Reading time:49 mins read

Unless you do not pay attention to information technology and cybersecurity news, you surely have seen firsthand the ever-growing threats to API security. With APIs becoming the lifeblood of data exchange and integration, protecting them is more crucial than ever. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of API security and reveal the best paid tools available to safeguard your organization’s APIs. These tools cover all aspects of API security, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of your data.

Join me as we explore the top tools that can shield your APIs from potential threats.

Key Takeaways

  • API security is essential as APIs become the backbone of data exchange, requiring a suite of tools for protection.  API Security Tools are categorized into API Security Posture, API Runtime Security, and API Security Testing.
  • The goals of API Security Tools include providing visibility into API security, detecting and preventing malicious requests, and evaluating the security of running APIs.
  • Top vendors offer robust API security platforms covering posture management, runtime protection, and security testing.
  • Ongoing security research by organizations like OWASP informs API security strategies, like addressing the OWASP API Top 10 most critical risks.
  • Comparing solutions involves analyzing features for authentication, authorization, threat detection, compliance needs, and integration with existing architecture.
  • The ideal API security toolkit combines testing for early vulnerability detection with runtime protections against attacks targeting production APIs.
  • Adopting API security best practices involves implementing strong access controls, reduced data exposure, improved logging/monitoring per OWASP guidance.
  • Automated testing integrated into CI/CD pipelines allows continuously evaluating the security posture of APIs throughout their lifecycle.
  • While open source tools provide value, commercial platforms offer greater capabilities for enterprise API security at scale.
  • The most effective API security leverages solutions tailored to an organization’s specific workflows, infrastructure, compliance needs and budget constraints.

In summary, a layered toolkit custom-fit to an organization’s requirements offers robust API protection without disrupting workflows or budgets. API security demands continuous vigilance, but the right tools empower organizations to stay ahead of evolving threats.

Summary Comparison

Robust API security is critical to protect against vulnerabilities in APIs and API attacks. Organizations need a suite of API security testing tools as part of their security strategy. This guide compares the top API security testing platforms to help choose the best solution. Testing tools can help find security issues early through dynamic application security testing. They allow scanning the entire API inventory to uncover risks and performance issues. Leading API security testing platforms provide capabilities like penetration testing, API scanning, specification analysis, and continuous testing.

By leveraging the right set of API security products, companies can build a robust API security strategy to identify and remediate vulnerabilities before they are exploited in attacks. This table outlines key criteria to evaluate the best API security testing tools for your needs.

ToolEase of useScalabilityEffectivenessPricing
42Crunch4/55/54/5$3,000 - $10,000 / year
Apigee3/54/54/5Contact for pricing
AWS API Gateway4/55/53/5Pay-as-you-go pricing
Akamai3/55/54/5Contact for pricing
Postman4/53/53/5Plans start @ $89 / year
API Fortress4/55/54/5Contact for pricing
Data Theorem API Secure3/55/54/5Contact for pricing
Imperva4/55/54/5Contact for pricing
Salt Security4/55/55/5Contact for pricing
Wallarm4/55/54/5Contact for pricing
Auth0 API Security4/54/54/5Contact for pricing
PingIntelligence for APIs5/55/55/5Contact for pricing
Cloudflare API Shield5/55/55/5Contact for pricing


Wallarm is a leader in both the Web Application Firewall (WAF) and API Security categories, offering a comprehensive platform for protecting applications and APIs. With Wallarm, you can secure your exposed and internal APIs against API OWASP Top 10 and more. It also serves as a WAF replacement, helping you protect modern applications on a web scale and meet security compliance requirements. Wallarm provides deep insight into your API portfolio based on actual user traffic, enabling you to detect and respond to threats effectively. With its ATO protection, you can stop account takeover and credential stuffing. Additionally, Wallarm offers bot mitigation capabilities to identify and prevent bad bots from performing malicious actions.

Wallarm Security Platform

Product Specs:

  • API Threat Prevention
  • API Discovery
  • ATO Protection
  • Bot Mitigation
  • End-to-End API Security
  • Incident Response Automation
  • Infrastructure-as-a-code Management Approach


  • Leading solutions for WAF and API Security
  • Peer-reviewed and validated effectiveness
  • Comprehensive platform for application and API security
  • Thought leadership and best practices resources
  • Integration with over 80 platforms


  • Limited information on pricing
  • Some users may find the platform complex to set up initially
  • Customer support response time can vary.

Apigee API Security

I use Apigee API Security to enhance the security of my APIs and protect against vulnerabilities. Apigee API Security is a comprehensive solution that provides a wide range of features and capabilities to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of my API endpoints. With Apigee API Security, I can implement robust authentication and authorization mechanisms, such as OAuth 2.0 and JWT, to control access to my APIs. Additionally, I can leverage Apigee’s advanced threat protection capabilities to detect and mitigate common API security threats, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and DDoS attacks.

Apigee also offers comprehensive logging and monitoring features, allowing me to track and analyze API usage and detect any suspicious activities. Overall, Apigee API Security provides me with the tools and resources I need to safeguard my APIs and protect my data from unauthorized access or manipulation.

Apigee API Management Platform

Product Specs:

  • Robust authentication and authorization mechanisms
  • Advanced threat protection capabilities
  • Comprehensive logging and monitoring features


  • Provides a comprehensive solution for API security
  • Offers a wide range of features and capabilities
  • Easy to integrate with existing API infrastructure


  • Can be complex to set up and configure
  • Requires a deep understanding of API security best practices
  • May require additional resources for maintenance and support

Akamai API Gateway

Akamai API Gateway provides advanced security and authentication features to protect and control access to my APIs. With Akamai’s Gateway, I can ensure that only authorized users and applications can access my APIs, helping to prevent unauthorized access and potential security breaches. The Gateway offers a range of security features, including authentication, encryption, and rate limiting, to provide robust protection for my APIs.

One of the key benefits of Akamai API Gateway is its ability to provide secure access to my APIs. It offers various authentication methods, including API keys, OAuth, and JWT, allowing me to choose the most appropriate method for my use case. Additionally, the Gateway supports encryption of API traffic, ensuring that data transmitted between clients and my APIs is secure.

Another advantage of Akamai API Gateway is its scalability. It can handle a large number of API requests, making it suitable for high-traffic applications. The Gateway also provides rate limiting capabilities, allowing me to control the number of requests that can be made to my APIs within a specified time period.

However, there are some potential drawbacks to consider. One potential con is the cost associated with using Akamai API Gateway. As a premium security solution, it may require a significant investment compared to other API security testing tools. Additionally, the Gateway’s advanced features and configuration options may require some technical expertise to fully utilize and configure.

Top 13 Paid API Security Tools: Your Guide to Keeping APIs Secure

Overall, Akamai API Gateway offers advanced security and authentication features to protect and control access to my APIs. With its scalable and secure architecture, it provides a robust solution for securing API access.

Product Specs:

  • Advanced security and authentication features
  • Support for multiple authentication methods
  • Scalable architecture for high-traffic applications
  • Rate limiting capabilities


  • Robust security features
  • Scalable architecture
  • Support for multiple authentication methods
  • Rate limiting capabilities


  • Higher cost compared to other API security tools
  • Requires technical expertise for configuration and setup

Auth0 API Security

Auth0 API Security provides robust protection and authentication measures for securing API endpoints and ensuring secure data transmission. With Auth0, developers can implement industry-standard security practices to protect their APIs from unauthorized access and potential attacks. The platform offers a range of features and functionalities that enable developers to strengthen the security of their APIs and ensure the integrity of the data being transmitted.

Top 13 Paid API Security Tools: Your Guide to Keeping APIs Secure

Product Specs:

  • Multi-factor authentication: Auth0 supports multi-factor authentication methods, such as SMS, email, and push notifications, to add an extra layer of security for API access.
  • OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect: The platform supports these industry-standard protocols for secure authentication and authorization.
  • Role-based access control: Auth0 allows developers to define and manage roles and permissions for API access, ensuring that only authorized users can interact with the API endpoints.
  • Security logging and monitoring: Auth0 provides comprehensive logging and monitoring capabilities to track and identify any suspicious activities or potential security breaches.


  • Easy integration: Auth0 offers SDKs and libraries for various programming languages, making it easy to integrate the security measures into existing applications.
  • Scalability: Auth0 is designed to handle high traffic and can scale seamlessly as the API usage grows.
  • Developer-friendly: The platform provides robust documentation, tutorials, and support resources, making it easy for developers to implement and maintain the API security measures.


  • Cost: Auth0 is a paid service, and the pricing may not be suitable for small-scale projects or startups with limited budgets.
  • Dependency: Using Auth0 API Security means relying on a third-party service for authentication and authorization, which may introduce additional points of failure or potential vulnerabilities.
  • Learning curve: While Auth0 provides extensive documentation, developers may need to spend some time understanding and configuring the platform to suit their specific needs.

In conclusion, Auth0 API Security offers a comprehensive set of tools and features to ensure the protection and authentication of API endpoints. With its robust security measures and user-friendly integrations, Auth0 provides a reliable solution for developers looking to secure their APIs effectively.

PingIntelligence for APIs

I’m really interested in learning more about PingIntelligence for APIs and how it can enhance the security and protection of API endpoints. As websites continue to rely heavily on JavaScript for their functionality, it becomes crucial to ensure the security of API endpoints. PingIntelligence for APIs offers a comprehensive solution to this challenge by providing advanced security features specifically designed for APIs.

This tool offers a range of product specifications to enhance API security. It includes features such as threat detection, anomaly detection, and API behavioral analysis. With real-time monitoring and analysis, PingIntelligence for APIs can quickly identify and block malicious activities, protecting the API endpoints from potential attacks.

Top 13 Paid API Security Tools: Your Guide to Keeping APIs Secure


  • Advanced threat detection and prevention
  • Real-time monitoring and analysis
  • Comprehensive API behavioral analysis


  • Requires integration with existing API infrastructure
  • May require additional resources for implementation and maintenance
  • Cost considerations for small-scale applications

Overall, PingIntelligence for APIs offers a robust solution for enhancing the security and protection of API endpoints. By leveraging its advanced features, organizations can ensure the integrity and reliability of their APIs, providing a secure user experience.

Cloudflare API Shield

I’ve been researching about Cloudflare API Shield and its capabilities in enhancing API security and protecting against potential threats. API security is a critical concern for organizations, as APIs are increasingly being targeted by cybercriminals. Cloudflare API Shield offers a range of features to protect APIs and ensure their integrity. It includes advanced DDoS protection, web application firewall, rate limiting, and IP reputation filtering.

These features work together to identify and block malicious traffic, prevent unauthorized access, and mitigate various types of attacks. Cloudflare API Shield also provides real-time monitoring and analytics, allowing organizations to gain insights into API usage and potential security vulnerabilities. With its developer-friendly tools and documentation, Cloudflare API Shield makes it easy to integrate and secure APIs.

Top 13 Paid API Security Tools: Your Guide to Keeping APIs Secure

Product Specs:

  • Advanced DDoS protection
  • Web application firewall
  • Rate limiting
  • IP reputation filtering
  • Real-time monitoring and analytics


  • Enhances API security
  • Protects against various types of attacks
  • Developer-friendly tools and documentation
  • Real-time monitoring and analytics
  • Easy integration with APIs


  • Additional cost
  • Requires configuration and setup
  • May require technical expertise for customization and optimization

42Crunch API Security

Securing APIs is crucial, and Crunch API Security provides effective tools and solutions to protect against potential vulnerabilities and attacks. With Crunch API Security, developers and security teams can ensure the integrity and safety of their APIs throughout the development and deployment process.

Crunch API Security offers a range of features and benefits that make it a top choice for API protection. Firstly, it provides API discovery capabilities, allowing developers to easily identify and understand the APIs in their system. This visibility is essential for maintaining security. Additionally, Crunch API Security enables security to be built-in at design time, ensuring that APIs are developed with security in mind from the beginning. The platform also offers API vulnerability scanning, allowing for early detection of potential issues.

Finally, Crunch API Security provides runtime protection through a micro-API firewall, enforcing security policies and ensuring that only valid traffic is allowed.

Top 13 Paid API Security Tools: Your Guide to Keeping APIs Secure

Product Specs:

  • API discovery for visibility into APIs
  • Security built-in at design time
  • API vulnerability scanning for early detection
  • Runtime protection with a micro-API firewall


  • Comprehensive API security solution
  • Easy integration into development pipeline
  • Provides visibility and control for security teams
  • Ensures compliance with security governance


  • Specific pricing information not provided
  • Limited information on scalability and automation features
  • No mention of support or customer service options


Using AWS WAF for APIs provides robust protection against potential web application attacks and helps ensure the security and reliability of my API infrastructure. AWS WAF is a web application firewall service that allows me to define customizable rules to filter and block malicious traffic targeting my APIs. It integrates seamlessly with Amazon API Gateway and other AWS services, making it easy to implement and manage.

With AWS WAF for APIs, I can protect against common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and HTTP flood attacks. It allows me to set up rate limiting, whitelist or blacklist IP addresses, and create custom rules based on specific patterns or conditions. The real-time monitoring and logging capabilities provide visibility into the traffic patterns and potential threats, allowing me to take proactive measures to enhance security.

Top 13 Paid API Security Tools: Your Guide to Keeping APIs Secure

Product Specs:

  • Integration with Amazon API Gateway
  • Customizable rules and conditions
  • Real-time monitoring and logging


  • Robust protection against web application attacks
  • Easy integration with other AWS services
  • Customizable rules for specific security requirements
  • Real-time monitoring and logging for proactive threat detection


  • Requires familiarity with AWS services and configurations
  • May incur additional costs depending on usage and traffic volume
  • Advanced customization may require technical expertise


I find Postman to be a versatile API testing tool that offers collaboration, automated testing, and request chaining capabilities. It allows me to easily create and send HTTP requests, test APIs, and analyze responses. With its intuitive interface, I can organize my requests into collections and folders, making it easy to manage and share with my team. The automated testing feature allows me to create test scripts and run them in a single click, ensuring that my APIs are functioning correctly. Additionally, the request chaining capability enables me to chain multiple requests together and pass data between them, simulating complex API workflows. Overall, Postman is an essential tool for API testing and validation.

Top 13 Paid API Security Tools: Your Guide to Keeping APIs Secure

Product Specs:

  • Available as a SaaS platform or a desktop app
  • Compatible with Windows, Linux, and macOS
  • Supports various authentication methods, including OAuth 2.0 and JWT
  • Provides comprehensive documentation and community support


  • Easy to use, with an intuitive interface
  • Supports collaboration, allowing teams to work together on API testing
  • Offers automated testing capabilities for efficient testing
  • Provides request chaining functionality for simulating complex workflows
  • Supports various authentication methods for secure API testing


  • Some advanced features may require a learning curve for new users
  • Limited reporting and analytics capabilities compared to dedicated testing tools
  • Desktop app performance can be slow when dealing with large collections or complex requests

Data Theorem API Secure

Data Theorem API Secure offers comprehensive security features to protect APIs from potential vulnerabilities and ensure the integrity of data transfers. This tool is designed to address the growing concerns around API security and provide organizations with the necessary tools to protect their sensitive data. With Data Theorem API Secure, businesses can conduct thorough security assessments of their APIs, identify and remediate vulnerabilities, and enforce security policies to prevent unauthorized access.

One of the key advantages of Data Theorem API Secure is its ability to automatically identify and assess potential security risks in APIs. The tool scans API endpoints and analyzes their configurations, identifying common vulnerabilities such as insecure authentication mechanisms or inadequate data protection practices. It also provides detailed reports and recommendations for remediation, allowing organizations to take proactive measures to enhance their API security.

Additionally, Data Theorem API Secure offers robust protection against attacks such as SQL injection, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF). It utilizes advanced techniques to detect and block these types of attacks, ensuring that data transfers remain secure and confidential.

Top 13 Paid API Security Tools: Your Guide to Keeping APIs Secure

Despite its many benefits, there are a few considerations to keep in mind when using Data Theorem API Secure. Firstly, the tool may require some configuration and setup to align with an organization’s specific API environment. Secondly, while it offers automated scanning and assessment capabilities, manual verification and validation may still be necessary to ensure the accuracy of the results. Lastly, organizations should regularly update and maintain Data Theorem API Secure to keep up with emerging security threats and vulnerabilities.

Product Specs:

  • Comprehensive security features for APIs
  • Automatic identification and assessment of vulnerabilities
  • Protection against common attacks like SQL injection, XSS, and CSRF


  • Thorough security assessments of APIs
  • Detailed reports and recommendations for remediation
  • Robust protection against various types of attacks


  • Configuration and setup may be required
  • Manual verification and validation may be necessary
  • Regular updates and maintenance are essential for continued effectiveness.


Imperva is a leading provider of comprehensive security solutions for modern web applications. Their offerings aim to address the need for security at multiple layers and protect against various types of attacks, reducing overall risk for enterprises. With Imperva, businesses can enjoy deeper protection through positive security models, effectively stopping software supply chain attacks and ensuring the security of their modern web applications. Additionally, Imperva helps enterprises consolidate their security point products, providing a single platform for detection, investigation, and management. This consolidation not only enhances the security operations center (SOC) response but also proactively reduces risk and enables secure digital transformation.

Top 13 Paid API Security Tools: Your Guide to Keeping APIs Secure

Product Specs:

  • Secure applications and data deployed anywhere
  • Assure data compliance and privacy
  • Mitigate malicious data activity
  • Prevent account takeover fraud


  • Comprehensive Protection: Imperva offers a wide range of security solutions that cover multiple layers of application security, data security, network security, and application performance. 
  • Positive Security Models: Imperva focuses on positive security models, which means they emphasize allowing known good traffic while blocking malicious activity.
  • Consolidation of Security Products: Imperva provides a unified platform that consolidates various security point products. This simplifies management and improves efficiency by having a single interface for detection, investigation, and response.
  • Industry Recognition: Imperva has received recognition from leading industry analysts and research firms. They have been named a leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Web Application Firewalls (WAAP) and have received positive evaluations in reports by Forrester and KuppingerCole.
  • Customer Base: Imperva has a large customer base, including over 6,200 enterprises worldwide. Their solutions are trusted by numerous organizations across different industries. Trusted by 6200+ enterprises and millions of people daily


  • Complexity for Small Businesses: Imperva’s comprehensive security solutions may be more suitable for large enterprises with complex security needs.
  • Learning Curve: Implementing and managing Imperva’s solutions may require a learning curve for IT teams.
  • Cost: As a leader in the cybersecurity market, Imperva’s solutions can be relatively expensive compared to some competitors. The cost of licensing, implementation, and maintenance should be considered when evaluating the affordability for an organization.
  • Dependency on a Single Vendor: By consolidating security products under Imperva’s platform, organizations become more dependent on a single vendor for their security needs. This may limit flexibility and make it harder to switch to alternative solutions in the future.
  • Integration Challenges: Integrating Imperva’s solutions into existing IT infrastructure and workflows may pose challenges, especially if there are compatibility issues with other security tools or legacy systems.

Salt Security

Salt Security is an innovative company that specializes in API security solutions, providing effective protection against potential threats and vulnerabilities. Their comprehensive approach to API security includes API discovery, attack prevention techniques, and adaptive intelligence. With their expertise in machine learning and AI algorithms, Salt Security offers a proactive defense against evolving attack techniques. By continuously analyzing API traffic, their adaptive intelligence can detect anomalies and potential threats, providing actionable insights to improve API security posture. Salt Security also emphasizes the importance of API security best practices, such as strong authentication and encryption, to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted over APIs.

Top 13 Paid API Security Tools: Your Guide to Keeping APIs Secure

Product Specs:

  • Scalable and high-performance API security solution
  • Comprehensive API visibility and monitoring capabilities
  • Support for various API authentication methods (OAuth, API keys)
  • Real-time threat intelligence and automated attack prevention


  • Effective protection against potential threats and vulnerabilities
  • Proactive defense through adaptive intelligence and machine learning
  • Comprehensive API visibility and monitoring capabilities


  • No specific cons mentioned in the background information.

API Fortress (SauceLabs)

I really like the features and capabilities of API Fortress for API testing and monitoring. It provides a comprehensive solution for testing and monitoring APIs, allowing for massive scalability and speed. With its onboard test scheduler, automation is made easy, and it can seamlessly integrate with any CI/CD platform. The ability to debug in Sauce Labs or connect to other notifications and event management solutions adds to its flexibility. One standout feature is the ability to transform functional testing, business logic testing, and dynamic data-driven testing, making it a versatile tool for various testing scenarios. Additionally, the option to mock APIs for quick debugging and import OpenAPI spec files to generate contract tests is highly valuable.

Top 13 Paid API Security Tools: Your Guide to Keeping APIs Secure

Product Specs:

  • Achieve massive test scalability and speed
  • Automate via onboard test scheduler or connect to any CI/CD platform
  • Debug in Sauce Labs or connect to any notifications and event management solution
  • Transform functional testing, business logic testing, and dynamic data-driven testing
  • Mock APIs for quick debugging
  • Import OpenAPI spec files to generate contract tests


  • Comprehensive solution for API testing and monitoring
  • Versatile capabilities for various testing scenarios
  • Integration with Sauce Labs and other notification/event management solutions
  • Ease of automation and scalability


  • Specific use case for API testing and monitoring, may not cater to other testing needs
  • Learning curve for utilizing all the features and capabilities
  • Possible dependency on external tools for certain functionalities

Final Thoughts

Selecting the ideal API security solutions requires assessing an organization’s unique workflows, technical stack, hosting environment and budgetary constraints. While tools like API Fortress, Cloudflare and Salt Security provide robust protection, the optimal choices are aligned with existing infrastructure.

For cloud-native companies, native options like AWS WAF or Azure API Management may provide the best fit. On-premise environments can benefit from deployment-agnostic platforms like Wallarm. Cost-sensitive organizations can start with open source tools like OWASP to test and harden APIs.

Additionally, organizations should choose solutions that integrate with their CI/CD pipelines, centralized gateways, WAFs and bot mitigation tools. Regulated entities need to prioritize auditing and compliance capabilities.

A layered security model tuned to current and future operational needs, tech stack and infrastructure provides well-rounded API protection without disrupting workflows or budgets. Threat prevention, access control and governance must be balanced specific to each organization’s constraints.

In summary, while best-of-breed solutions have immense value, their effectiveness stems from being woven into an organization’s fabric based on thorough analysis of all interdependent factors. This creates an API security posture where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

FAQs About API Security Tools and Testing

What is API security and why is it important?

API security refers to the practices and technologies used to protect application programming interfaces (APIs) from unauthorized access, data breaches, and other cyber threats. APIs serve as the connecting link between different software applications, allowing them to communicate and exchange data. Because they are exposed to the internet and are integral to the functioning of modern applications, APIs are a lucrative target for attackers. Insecure APIs can lead to unauthorized access, data loss, and even system takeovers, which not only compromise sensitive information but also erode user trust and can result in legal consequences for the organization.

Given the role of APIs in modern software architectures—including cloud services, mobile applications, and IoT devices—ensuring API security is essential. A breach can have far-reaching implications, affecting multiple systems connected via APIs. Therefore, API security is a critical component of an organization’s overall cybersecurity posture.

What are some best practices for API security?

Securing APIs is crucial in today’s interconnected software environment, and a multi-layered approach is generally the most effective. Essential best practices include strong authentication and authorization mechanisms like OAuth 2.0, along with strict input validation to prevent injection attacks. Data should be encrypted both in transit and at rest, and rate limiting should be applied to thwart abuse.

API gateways or firewalls can serve as intermediaries to filter malicious requests, and real-time logging and monitoring can help in rapid incident detection and response. Integrating automated security testing into your development pipeline and conducting regular audits can further fortify your API’s security posture. Following these core principles can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches.  

What are some of the common attacks against for APIs?

APIs are vulnerable to a variety of attacks that exploit weak authentication, poor data handling, and insecure configurations. Common types of attacks include Injection Attacks, where malicious code is inserted to manipulate databases, and Broken Authentication, which allows unauthorized users to access sensitive data. Other prevalent attack vectors are Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR), exposing too much data, security misconfiguration, Mass Assignment, and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks that overwhelm the API.

More sophisticated methods like Man-in-the-Middle Attacks and XML External Entity (XXE) Attacks aim to intercept or manipulate data in transit. Awareness of these attack methods is crucial for securing APIs and maintaining data integrity. For a deeper understanding of API security threats, you can refer to the article “11 Common API Security Attacks”.

Should I focus only on dynamic scanning? What about static analysis?

Both dynamic scanning and static analysis are important components of a comprehensive API security strategy, and focusing solely on one could leave you vulnerable to various types of attacks.

  1. Dynamic Scanning: Also known as Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), dynamic scanning tests the application in its running state. This method is good for identifying issues like authentication problems, access control issues, and insecure data transmission. Dynamic scanning can provide insights into how an attack will occur in a real-world scenario but usually takes place late in the development cycle when the code is already in a staging or production environment.
  2. Static Analysis: Also known as Static Application Security Testing (SAST), static analysis reviews the application’s source code, bytecode, or binary code for vulnerabilities. Static analysis can identify vulnerabilities like SQL injection, buffer overflows, and cross-site scripting early in the development cycle, making it easier to address issues before they become too costly or complex to resolve.

Ideally, you’d use both methods in tandem as part of a multi-layered security strategy. Combining static and dynamic scanning delivers the most coverage. Static catches logical flaws early during development, while dynamic finds deployment configuration issues. This dual approach provides a more robust and comprehensive security posture for your APIs.

What are the top free API security tools for testing?

Several free tools are available for API security testing, each catering to different testing needs. OWASP ZAP stands out for its comprehensive, open-source capabilities in finding API vulnerabilities and is highly configurable for both manual and automated testing. Postman, primarily an API development tool, also offers basic security tests in its free version. Other notable free tools include SoapUI for simple SOAP and REST API tests, JMeter for performance and basic security testing, and Rest-Assured for Java-based security tests.

While these free tools provide valuable functionalities, they may lack the advanced features and support found in paid solutions. Therefore, it’s crucial to evaluate each tool against your specific needs to determine its suitability.

What is OWASP and how does it relate to API security?

The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a nonprofit organization focused on improving software security. OWASP is known for its Top 10 lists, which highlight the most critical security vulnerabilities in various types of software, including web applications and APIs. The OWASP API Security Top 10, specifically, outlines the most common security risks to APIs, such as Injection, Broken Authentication, Sensitive Data Exposure, and more.

By providing these guidelines and resources, OWASP helps developers, security analysts, and organizations understand the security risks associated with APIs and offers recommendations for mitigating these risks. Adopting OWASP guidelines can significantly improve an organization’s API security posture by providing a well-researched and globally recognized framework for identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities.

How can automated testing help with API security?

Automated testing is a cornerstone for enhancing API security by enabling continuous monitoring and quick identification of vulnerabilities. It offers the advantages of scalability and consistency, capable of covering a broad range of test scenarios across various endpoints, user roles, and data states. Integrated into the CI/CD pipeline, automated tests not only speed up the development process but also ensure that security is addressed throughout the lifecycle of the API. This approach frees up human resources for more complex security tasks, helps in meeting regulatory compliance, and provides valuable data for trend analysis, making it a highly efficient and effective way to safeguard your APIs.

How often should I execute API security testing?

API security testing should be conducted continuously as part of your CI/CD pipeline, a practice that shifts security left in the development process, effectively catching and preventing new vulnerabilities from reaching production. In addition to this ongoing testing during development, it’s essential to validate production APIs regularly to ensure their security posture remains robust. This multi-layered approach, which includes both development and maintenance phases, provides comprehensive security coverage for your APIs.

What is the OWASP top 10 for API security?

The OWASP API Security Top 10 is a list of the most critical security risks to APIs, as identified by the OWASP Foundation. Here are the top 10 API vulnerabilities according to OWASP:

  1. API1:2019 Broken Object Level Authorization
  2. API2:2019 Broken User Authentication
  3. API3:2019 Excessive Data Exposure
  4. API4:2019 Lack of Resources & Rate Limiting
  5. API5:2019 Broken Function Level Authorization
  6. API6:2019 Mass Assignment
  7. API7:2019 Security Misconfiguration
  8. API8:2019 Injection
  9. API9:2019 Improper Assets Management
  10. API10:2019 Insufficient Logging & Monitoring

Robust security posture management is critical for organizations to identify and mitigate risks related to the OWASP API Security Top 10. This list highlights the most widespread and impactful API vulnerabilities that can compromise security posture. The top 10 API security threats include broken authentication, excessive data exposure, lack of rate limiting, injection attacks, misconfiguration, and insufficient logging.

To improve posture, organizations need an API protection platform that combines automated API security testing with runtime protections. Ongoing dynamic scanning and testing against the latest OWASP Top 10 is essential. This allows early detection of any posture gaps before vulnerabilities are exploited.

Leading solutions also provide remediation guidance to address issues uncovered during automated testing. Hardening APIs by implementing strong access controls, reduced data exposure, and improved logging are key. API protection platforms use threat intelligence to detect attacks in production traffic and prevent exploitation.